Evans Darko MensahLead Environmental and Process Consultant
- Marine Eng.; Class 2-Ghana
- Marine Eng.; Class 1-UK
Brief Profile
Environmental Specialist and Marine Consultant involved in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIAs), Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), Auditing and Monitoring and various aspects of Marine Environmental Pollution prevention and control, mainly, compliance with MARPOL Protocols, IOPP regimes and Health and Safety in ships, port environments and in industry.
Ing. Darko-Mensah, a Corporate Member (Senior Member) of the Ghana Institution of Engineers, trained as a Marine Engineer and has nearly 30 years working experience in engineering and management positions. Being the Lead Environmental Specialist in WasteCare, he has supervised several EIAs for the EPA, environmental sanitation assessments and audits, SEAs as well as other specific assignments involving environmental management and monitoring, policy review/development, capacity development and training planning. Evans Darko-Mensah has also worked as the Engineer Superintendent and Chief Engineer for the Black Star Line (Ghana) and Pacific International Lines (Singapore) respectively
As a private SEA/EIA consultant/Team Leader he has been involved in the following projects among others:
- Revision of National Environmental Sanitation Policy
- Preparation of Environmental Policy Framework for ECG and Ministry of Energy for Ghana Energy Development and Access Project (GEDAP) World Bank funded
- support to EPA on SEA of National Energy Policy and National Transport Policy
- SEA of Water and Environmental Sanitation Policies, Plans and Programmes under DANIDA WSSPS II
- EIA for proposed Tema Landfill Project, funded by World Bank
- Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for Tema Export Processing Zone funded by World Bank
- Environmental Impact Assessment for the proposed Thermal Power Plant at Tema, financed by KMR Power Corporation, USA.
Evans Darko-Mensah’s current passion and vision is implementing practical aspects of planned projects to reduce the degrading impact of the poor management of environmental resources and to earn benefits in the value-chain of wastes.